This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I had recently seen some stuff about block height changing to block weight and it went up by like 3mb i wanna say i really don't know the number anyways anyone have any thoughts on this saw how there were some people on bitcoin twitter upset and I was just curious from what I gathered stuff was snuck in that shouldn't have been like changing height to weight then increasing it idk what else has come of this but how some stuff we can't go back n fix im lost someone please verify???
It sounds like you're talking about segwit. It's 4MB and it wasn't "snuck in." Anyone who was paying attention knew about it. It can be reversed ... it would just require a hard fork.
Had no idea looked briefly into it and stuff was too choppy so thought I'd ask the Stacker community! And see what I get ahhh gotcha gotcha thank you for clearing that up!
No problem!
My plebdev SDK project is almost finished. Current version can spin up a complete tor/bitcoind/lightningd/rest/web stack in a single dockerfile, peer with other nodes and generate blocks/channels/funds. Only thing left is to clean up the scripting and write some demo apps that sit on top of the stack.
Do you think we will ever win ? I mean eliminate the banksters?
I know is a controversial question, but I don't care. Personally I don't give a shit about banksters, because I found my own way to avoid them. But I am worried for the normies. Poor fucking normies that are still sleepy joes.
Literally this, just happen. I had last 3 days of calm steady few routings, then I restart my node machine for a regular update OS and shit then in few hours the routed txs were doubled. I have no explanation for this other than the LND code is broken.
Curious how i stacked 3000 sats while i was away.
It says how in the message. We take our revenue and give it back to users.
i just saw it in my wallet history, but there is no date for when the sats were earned on each entry, and when i click it for more details i am taken to comments and threads that are not my own.
The message seems to disappear tho :(
Perhaps I could collapse consecutive earnings notifications together instead. What I currently have was just easier.
monrch sounds like they were away for weeks so if I hadn't done anything, their notifications would have been all earning notifications.
SN is the new DeFi :)