Howdy gang!!! It's Monday, so a new week has begun, time to give this week our absolute best and keep on keeping on, this new week let's find something we can turn into a habit, as long as we do it for 21 days straight it will become a habit, I'll see if I can try the habit of do some exercise, I've been procrastinating it for quite a bit this year so let's do this, I wish you a phenomenal start of the week, may it be filled with profit, success and joy. You're awesome and you matter, never forget that. As always, be well and stay frosty!!
If you have been struggling start with just a short, simple workout. 20mims. Build the habit and then develop it. Procrastination often is a defence against overwhelm
I will definetly will try that, 20 mins isn't much... Thanks bud!!
No problem. One day and one workout at a time.
Baby steps can do so much... Is the first step that is hard to do... You're awesome, thanks again!!