this is an interesting posit.
and there's the never ending rise of inflation of goods and services, to consider.
then there's the question of: (and the big one most bitcoiners hate, because it tends to break linear brains:)
when something has only been valuated against a fiat currency, what determines its actual value? is it scarcity? is it demand? is it something else??? a big part of that has to be adoption, and if there isn't a concurrent or switch over type adoption, it will continue IMHO to valuate itself against fiat currency, or some kind of central bank currency.
the biggest unknown is the switchover to cbdc's, wherein bitcoin may and hyperbolistic may ----- be seen as far more valuable than cbdc's, because at least you can spend it feasibly, on what you want, and it doesn't have programmable limits, rationing, as much monitoring etc built into it - to the central bank.
so there's that. and therein the above.
and honestly? i'd love to buy a small piece of land, build a house on it, and just grow a garden, shoot an Elk every so often, and that kind of thing - but to be totally realistic, i'm living in an apartment, and can't generate the money to even begin to save up for something like that. I'm not a wage job guy, and I've always been either bored far too quickly in the role feeling underappreciated, or far too intelligent and broad thinking for the role, and quickly fell back to 'bored too quickly," and at worst, a boss would become jealous and find some weird excuse to get rid of me.
go figure.
but as far as the pure economics of the matter, it all depends on valuation against established economic standards, and or the total destruction of the extant system, one of these would be what carries the most determinant weight on any proper answer to this question; Compounded of course in complexity by weather or not inflation even still exists - in the future global economy.
Also: will people still work a 9-5 in the future? there are so many questions...hope this helps elucidate untoward some percentage of them.