How you'd respond to this question?
I tried to discuss economical issues, stateism, CBs, inflation, the covid shit over years in my business and private life and finally gave up. Normies will be defending their financial overloards until the last hour like the german idiots did with its ''Volkssturm'' at the end of WW2.
Let them live in their own fiat bubbles, try to migrate to btc, strengthen Your economical position and watch the shitshow burn down from inner and (if it's possible) physical distance.
I orangepilled my family and my best friend - I did my part.
I'm hearing this argument for the last ten years.
Interesting response... what people say when you say that?
Yes, please give me all your bitcoins now, are worthless for you. I will take care of them, no worry for me. More sats for me. I will be the last man on this planet having bitcoins. Bitcoin is not for pussies. Bitcoin is a natural selection, only for strong people.
I'm just trying to gather possible polite answers to give people when they ask. If I respond what you suggest, could them maybe be offended and see bitcoin as a hothead topic?
Why those words are offending? It's a simple clear answer about Bitcoin.
If they are offended, is their problem not yours or Bitcoin's. People often get offended when they are put in front of certain truth that break their weak mind. Let them be short-circuited, no worry, they will come back to you, after reset.
I do not understand why you have to worry to not get them offended? That means you are censoring yourself and that is the most dangerous thing.
Because I like to keep the conversation on a peaceful environment -- not aggressive, nor defensive -- and have the other party open to listen. Listen to understand who is in front and how to approach the conversation consequently.
You will remember my words: sometimes is good to be aggressive with normies. I've dealt with so many in the past 10 years, that using nice words to "not offend them" it doesn't work, but when you go on a more aggressive tone, they wake up from that deep sleep.