It’s like American Football for Europeans… no forward passes, no armour and teams of 15 on the field at any one time. It is a sport descended from rugby but now quite different; it’s in the nature of a young upstart young country to take perfectly good sports, change them to your own design and hold a World Series / World Championship knowing we Europeans couldn’t compete lol
Sounds about right.
With Johan Deysel, Namibia might be tough. Don't count them out so early.
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Is Namibia still in it?
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You won’t get much out the UK supporters; with the best teams in the world being South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand and Italy they don’t have much to say. Still looking back to the victory of 2003 against Australia…
There is a slightly guilty aspect to the whole global Imperialism thing and it’s only right that having exported these games they should now be absolutely thrashed by way of punishment.