We could start a trend in wearing on streets to Identify each other. It could be anything, but a Bitcoin ring would be cool. Who knows, we could be colllegues at work. We could then talk about bitcoin and buy and sell things using bitcoin.
I avoid to show that I am a bitcoiner.... for security reasons. Sometimes I wear a tshirt, but only when I go to specific places to show the message. But not always.
Nice! That is a neat ideal! Ring thing transaction is even cooler on tweet.
Ummm. Like a yellow star or something?
Yall are missing the point. It's a subtle callout so you can recognize another bitcoiner, not so you can get robbed by normies.
A satoshi symbol on a shirt will probably do. At least until (if) that symbol goes mainstream
Just wear something that has orange colour
Nice try fed
Some people just really want to be kidnapped I guess
TBH I don't want to be identified as a Bitcoiner, especially in real life; being a nobody is much better and safer, why cause unnecessary attention and potential trouble to yourself?
I agree that there is some type of a security risk. Maybe not so much now but in the future for sure as BTC continues to appreciate in fiat terms. I have gone from wearing a hat with a bitcoin logo on it to wearing the honey badger hat from coinkite. I feel this is subtle enough that people in the know will get the reference but normies will just see a honey badger.
There are a lot of things that we do all the time that could mark as well off though too. Driving a nice car, shopping at certain places, wearing a fancy ring, wearing a watch, etc, etc. The amount of people doing those thins outweighs the small number of people with bitcoin paraphernalia.
It doesn't exactly have to noticeable right away. It could be something almost decreet where someone you know in a conversation just happens to see it and they say "hey I know something about Bitcoin."
There are many subtle ways you can detect Bitcoiners, like how they see governments, taxes and generally how independent thinking or self-sufficient they are.
For example, does this person follow whatever is being told without questioning? Or being a crying baby waiting to be "saved" whenever something happens 😂