I tried out slice this month. Looks like I've earned about 500 sats for allowing adds to interrupt the content I'm watching.
The adds annoy me, but I like the sats!
What does SN think? Is it worth it?
I don't think its worth it for the individual but I guess if you are someone who isn't apposed to ads getting tossed a penny or two for your troubles isn't the worst thing in the world.
If their ad network does take off and a lot of people adopt the model, it could be a decent amount of buying pressure on Bitcoin as advertisers need to purchase funds to redistribute to users.
Ad networks are pretty much google and a few smaller players, so if someone can disrupt that I am all for it
You should focus your energy in learning about Bitcoin, not only how to earn sats from useless ads. Knowledge is power. For more you will know, more power over the weak you will have.
When the time is ready, many of those normies will come to you to help them with Bitcoin. Then you could earn much more with less effort.
Remember: bitcoin is energy. Don't waste it for nothing! Check here an example... #252730 I could easily charge a shit tons of sats just to help them. Why ? Because I have knowledge. I didn't waste my time "earning sats from ads".
Don't worry, I'm always learning about bitcoin & I'm ready for when the noobs come asking.
The content being watched is for my kid who gets ~30mins a day. I guess its not really worth it, but I kinda like getting a few sats here & there. It starts to add up over time
few sats for the hassle if you took a whole month to get 500 sats..
Wise words. The ads obstruct focus.