type of shop your have (online or brick&mortar) Online
type of commerce (retail, grocery, bar etc) Software development (web dev, mobile apps, custom software)
how was the onboarding process We’ve been working on helping businesses accept bitcoin payments for years, including offering “pay with bitcoin” option for all of our services. We also offer btc payments to our devs as an option.
It’s tough but rewarding! We are always looking at new tools for invoicing, accounting and bookkeeping as well as secure storage and business usage tools.
what tools / apps you used, in the beginning and later Multi-sig Electrum wallets Offline cold storage hardware wallets BTCPay Server with pruned bitcoin node LND nodes
how you improved your use of bitcoin apps Casa.keys is great for industrial grade security advice BTCPay server is the go-to for e-commerce Electrum is a really good hot wallet for multi-sig accounts that multiple partners need access / authorization for.
how you consider bitcoin in your accounting (cash or "investment") Uff it’s super painful from an accounting side in the USA. We consider it as both an investment (whatever we can save) and cash for paying the bills and developers.
We’ve worked on our bookkeeping process over many years and it’s really starting to get easier now.
anything you would like to share Always consider security best practices: offline storage, hardware wallets and multisig. For payments consider lightning, especially for e-commerce. Make sure you promote your business to bitcoiners!
impressive.... (insert Darth Vader voice here) Thanks for sharing!