Dolphins v.s Patriots is an interesting one. Dolphins can score with the best of them but their D is terrible. I think I would lead towards the Pats at home in this one but I get the Dolphins pick, I still think they put up some points against a good Pats D.
It is tough to pick. Mac is the wild card. Does he suck, or does he really suck?
Haha. I guess I would go with the former. I don't think he is good but "really suck" is pretty strong.
I should have said will instead of does. He's incredibly inconsistent and never great, but sometimes he's okay.
Quiet today. Maybe you will win be default.
That's weird. It's still early.
Seems to be quiet on SN in general today. Not a lot of engagement on the Fun fact post either and that one is usually a big hit.