These are such good and thoughtful replies, thanks for taking the time.
Generically, I think our X is money<>information exchange. If we boil X longer, I think it's value exchange and imo community is value exchange, a uniquely personal and attentive form of it. (imho community is the best form of value exchange.)
This reminds me of one of the most thought-provoking things I read last year, where punk6529 gave thoughts on how transacting is foundational to all other rights. It made me think about community in terms of what is transacted, and in particular, how honest discussion is actually a Good Thing for the world, not in a hazy general way, but very concretely. Making it possible for it to emerge is a really substantial contribution.
I have way more to say but I have to do work. SN this last week has been terrible for my productivity. I'm working on social community software and design, so I've been telling myself my SN time is 'research', but it's getting pretty tenuous sometimes ;)
SN this last week has been terrible for my productivity. I'm working on social community software and design, so I've been telling myself my SN time is 'research', but it's getting pretty tenuous sometimes
Two things we have in common. :)