Hi all, I wrote a short tutorial about how to get started development on LN using Node.JS and Express. You can see the source code on GitHub. Thanks!
This is going to be really useful for folks looking to get started on lightning.
Small nit about language: afaict you don't start a background process for listening to invoice events.
async function initLndClient() { await lndClient.connect(); const subscription = await lndClient.services.Lightning.subscribeInvoices(); subscription.on("data", (invoice) => { console.log("Lightning Invoice Event"); console.log(invoice); }); } initLndClient();
In nodejs this just inserts an event listener in node's run loop. It kind of behaves like a background process, but if you kill your nodejs process, this event logging stops.
Thanks @k00b you are 100% correct it is an event listener - not a background task. The behaviour is what I was going for - stopping the express server should stop the listener - so there's no cleanup necessary. I will update wording around that section. Thanks :)