What do you think of shamir like on the trezor T ? I know its not the same as multi sig. 🤙
I hide 12 words on 12 mountain peaks (for real, this is not a joke), over 3000m altitude, hard to reach them, only for the brave, not for the weak. It is only me that knows the order, even if somebody will find the capsule I left in those peaks.
So tell me how is this compared with a HW? How many intents would be possible to "break" this security? Good luck finding my peaks...
Also... good luck breaking my stego file
Pro shamir, got it 😅
Interesting setup. I have thought about steganography too. If it is OK for you to reveal that (don't hesitate to say you don't want to) I am curious to know in what kind of place (under a rock, etc) you put your words on the peaks, and if when you come back it was still there at the same place (because of rain and wind slowly moving it for example).
hahaha I put even signs, just for fun, to see if people pay attention. They didn't...
People are too busy with tiktoks nowdays. Bitcoin is not for them.
Like I said min this guide about making a Tails USB https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/build-your-hodl-btc-cold-wallet you could use a recipient like this https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07D5DVXCD/
Interesting, so you use a USB key with Tails, huh. I was wondering how you could recover a physical picture and its exact pixel value to get the password recovered but you do it with Tails so this explains that. Thank you for sharing! By the way I don't know what kind of people are hiking where you are but it could be that they are honest so they don't steal you (for example even if I went there I wouldn't like to steal your property)