My case:
  • percentage is 100% done in BTC, mostly over LN. I do not have anymore bank accounts, from 2018. No shitcoins, stablecoins, no fiat.
what made you reach this point of equilibrium in your life?
I am in Bitcoin for long time (from 2012). I studied, I tested and accumulated it. I start earning in bitcoin. That's the key point. Demand to be paid in Bitcoin. Equilibrium? Just stay out of fiat and all your troubles will be gone.
  1. Read my guides, I wrote severals:
  1. Improve your knowledge
  2. Practice using Bitcoin
  3. Stay away from banks and fiat
Thanks for linking all your guides. Will read them one by one and digest them
I work as a teacher for my government, so I doubt that the civil service will ever utilise but that was a great thing to know
I respect how you put in the time and energy to scaffold Samir through the process. You changed his n his family’s lives
Before reading your article, I made a decision to buy gift cards from Bitrefill for groceries n food takeaways (rather than send sats to Kraken). N I’m relieved that that’s considered a viable method in your eyes. Haha. Ofc I should start checking out the website.
Thanks for commenting - much food for thought
teacher for my government,
There's no such thing as "my government"...
I doubt that the civil service will ever utilise
Is not about THEM to use it, is about YOU. You usually are giving to your employer a bank account where they have to send your wage, right? So same happen with Bitwage (please read my guide). They assign you an account number and that one you are giving to your employer. Your employer do not have to know that is from Bitwage or that you receive BTC, don't say nothing.
Read your 21 orange pills today - thanks for linking it
That Bitwage thing looks really cool. I didn't know such a service existed. Thanks for the tip!
they had a mini-AMA here some weeks ago #223604
Is a very good option if you want to start slowly to be paid in BTC, until the employer will pay you directly.
Thanks! I'll check it out.