Very good post. The way BlackRock was able to buy up single family homes post 2008 was aided by Fink's government connections too. I really fear this spot ETF push is partially intended to ultimately give the U.S. govt the opportunity to control bitcoin's price like Chase and other banks have been controlling price of gold. I don't think they will succeed since custody of physical bitcoin is so easy, but I'm suspicious of anything involving Fink and BlackRock.(Tinfoil Hat warning)
I absolutely believe this is one of the top reasons they’re pursuing it, at the very least it’s a reason that helps them justify doing it at all
Even the origins of the name "Blackrock" is creepy. And, my brother, Tinfoil hats are ALWAYS welcome
Like Black Mirror
Isn't Blackrock also getting shares of big Bitcoin miners?
Yes, and that's a whole other mess. I want to start looking into miner centralization more.
I don't believe it's about price suppression, it's about ownership of the underlying Bitcoin when this system inevitably collapses in default. They will do their utmost to convince people to use their product. Then steal people's paper balances & the underlying. I'd argue they need to manipulate the price higher and cause one last bull run to convince everyone to do that.
There is no legal claim to ANY security anymore.
I'd recommend this short book if you want to learn more about that - #259510