Are you kidding me? After all the promises and the hype, this is what Brave has come to? Data collection, telemetry, and whatnot? It's infuriating to see such potential squandered. We were promised a browser that respects privacy, not one that sneaks around in the shadows!
And to add insult to injury, they have the audacity to cloak their actions under the guise of "features" and "improvements." It's like watching Anakin Skywalker succumb to the Dark Side all over again. We didn't sign up for this. We wanted a Jedi Knight, not Darth Vader.
To Brave, I say: "This is not the browser we were looking for." We deserve better, and we won't be fooled by the dark arts of data collection. The Force is strong with the users, and we will find a way to resist.