What was your "aha" moment where you finally got it?
When I start earning it and not "buying" it anymore. Indeed is really hard to process this. Take time. Maybe for me was easier, because I came from a tumultuous background "anti-system" and wanted to be out of the system in any possible way.
suddenly bitcoin as "money" becomes so much clearer when you're not scooping up dips like a stock
SN has been a small aha moment like that for me too. A clear tangible example of what bitcoin/LN can do
I've starting earning it too now and it feels great. My process is that I have my company send a decent percent of my paycheck as a direct deposit to an account that buys bitcoin for me. I assume that is how most people are doing it right now since the chance of finding a company that has a bitcoin balance that it uses to pay employees is likely extremely rare.
I guess if you work for yourself you could request that people pay you direct in bitcoin or at least have that as an available option.