1. Having such a spreadsheet is lame, evil, idiotic, impossible, whatever
  2. Bitcoin adoption is NOT about selecting few (influencers) to promote it. Wrong approach.
  3. Bitcoin is about individual responsibility and individual sovereignty.
  4. I identify as a darth-cat.
  5. I am still reading your post and try to get your point...
  1. The term 'thought experiment' is literally in the title.
  2. Didn't write that.
  3. Yes.
  4. Good.
  5. It's just an interesting idea about bitcoiners and their desire for truth.
Until a few years before covid I was a lot around people that are interested in 'truth', 'awareness' and 'investigating the self', stuff like that. I changed my course around the same time I found bitcoin, becoming more and more uneasy being around most of them.
I find it very interesting to see in 20/21 that those communities practically split 50/50 with a lot of drama, long time friendships destroyed, while in the bitcoin 'community' this hardly happened. For me it's a good sign.