Start with daylight savings first.
Yes, daylight savings is even more evil than timezones itself.
Indeed, because daylight savings actually kills people. For a few weeks after a daylight savings change, vehicle collision fatalies noticeably increase, along with other serious accidents. It's simply due to disruption of sleep patterns, which takes a few weeks for people to adjust to.
In this crazy world, nation-states would get rid of time zones, but keep daylight savings. And the sweaty nerds of the world would all fall on their knees, raise their fists in the air, and yell in frustration.
a change the Secretary of Transportation would have the authority to make
Wow, how statist...
The time zone is not determined by the government, but by the consensus of those who use time. Everybody has the right to come up with their own time zone and promote it. If I want I can even divide the day into 30 hours and use that with my friends to sync a meet up with them. It's very likely my local merchants etc. will not join the bandwagon, and I have no right to force it upon them.
Just like I have the right to change the rules of chess and play by them with those who want to play along. Or change the meaning of words in English. Or, indeed, fork Bitcoin.
Yes, we have only one time zone: Bitcoin Time Zone.
Agree, it would be so much easier.
Maybe should also drop Monday to Sunday too - every day should be lived. And people should work when they are at high energy, instead of working 5 days then resting for 2 days, madness, humans are not robots.
People should work when they are at high energy, instead of working 5 days then resting for 2 days
I'm already doing it mostly this way!
Block time has very low resolution, cesium standard is better.
I was talking about which time zone is used for Bitcoin to broadcast... UTC, universal time. So it should renamed into BTZ.
What a huge gibberish... A globalist wet dream
You are paranoid. Current time is just a number. It would save at least milliions worth of programmer hours every year globally.
time its a number, but not based on lottery buddy.. I understand for your needs can work, and if you dont leave the basment you wont even notice.. ill give you that.. But theres a very logical reason for timezones..
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The concept of time zones and that they are relative to UTC is already a globally established standard... this ship sailed a long time ago.
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People often already use UTC for stuff like server logs, regardless of their timezone, as it's just less confusing.
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By this thinking Bitcoin / sats is even more centralized than euro.
Just to clarify, different time zones are all relative to UTC, so really there is already a single standard in use.
But they change from time to time. For example, if you would like to know, how much seconds have passed since January 1, 1984 in a specific town / country, you need full database what was time zone each year, which years there was DST and which years not. In Latvia it would mean UTC+2 for some years, UTC+3 for others and also there was one year without DST. And also there was leap seconds in the past, at least it's decided to get rid of these.
And remember there is also 30 minute and 45 minute time zone offsets, not everybody uses +/- hours.