Thanks a lot. I am transferring everything from uphold now. I will have to look up for how to dump into USD though, since being from an Asian continent, USD isn't used much here and KYC norms are too strong with exchanges as I tried to create account on Binance etc. so I skipped and came here for advices. I will have to look at non-KYC exchanges for transferring from Uphold. I will definitely buy through P2P when I start fresh with my saved money.
I discovered your guides yesterday, thanks for writing those. I will start fresh soon after rectifying all past mistakes of Shitty coins and Shitty exchanges.
Can't you just sold them in uphold for USD or whatever fiat and then move out?
I discovered your guides yesterday, thanks for writing those.
I am very happy that with my guides I could save a lost soul and put him back on the right path.
I can, if I added my Bank Accounts/ Cards but that's not the case with my country location. However, I can send to BTC chain with a 3 USD fee. That's what I am thinking to do now. or XRP network has no fee, so somehow change that to BTC network. Hoping to get some suggestions here.