I know that many have found SN via Twitter or the like, but others may have found SN via some side channel or other. For me, I was scanning the Blockchain and found a text message with the SN URL.
Seriously lol? You must have found the OP_RETURN I sent with Ben Carman's OP_RETURN bot.
Ah! Was that it!! I did wounder if it was you that posted that! Crazy how worlds collide!
Wild. We need to figure out how to do more marketing for SN if that's the way people are finding us lol.
The reason for my post was a bit of MR, just to see if it throws up anything that the 'analytics' doesn't.
via Miami Bitcoin conference hearing k00b talk about it
I got here through a mention on Bitcoin Optech.
Was having tea with Klaus Schwab, when he mentioned the SN board.
I found SN when HN had a question about what a good "HN for cryptocurrency" was (here). There were a few links to SN from various folks, including @k00b.