Tough question. I like to think for the future, but living in the present. I don't like to think about the past, is gone. I walk thorough the forest, going forward not backwards... NEVER go back. Going back is sad and drags you down. Exploring new places, new adventures, new people, new life is what keeps you going forward and enjoy your life.
I usually think how I could make my present actions to secure my future and have a more easy life comparing with the present. Of course we will never know what will bring the future. Maybe tomorrow a big rock will fall over me and all my plans for the future are gone, puff, for nothing.
The most important thing in my life is: STOP WORRYING for the future, you cannot control it. Live your life as would be your last day on this planet. STOP living in fear. FEAR is a weapon of control, don't let it into your life, into your head, into your heart.
there's so much to be excited about, being worried is lame