This is so incredible. It just blows my mind how crazy fast and powerful this is. Kudos to the talented developers. Here it is in action:
This is amazing nostr market!
Thanks. It is a lot of fun to explore the boundaries.
That's dope. I tried to buy something but no lightning invoice appeared. I chatted the merchant, so perhaps it'll be solved that way? Or is it just a test marketplace and not real? I'm hoping it's real as it'd be cool to get some Nostr swag.
Whole experience was pretty dang easy (short of not getting an invoice). Really nice to not have to sign-in, confirm my email, give up any ID, or give blood.
Are there any stores you like on there Darth? A little too early?
Smells like freedom
This is just the beginning. Let them set their stores and do some intensive testing. Is very promising NOSTR market. Few people understand the power of this. People are still thinking at NOSTR as another twatter, but is not. Is far more than just that.
This is like Silk Road on steroids.
A new look is a good option to buy things
SN is launching one as well!
Today you can trade in the ~AGORA territory, it's like Craigslist but pay you Bitcoin πŸ˜‰ Click any linkπŸ‘‡below to start!
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