This looks awesome! Is there a live site or is it still in development? Or can I run it myself locally? When going to I only see development updates
Here is a demo of the mostro-cli client. It looks amazing! I need to download it and try it out...
I don't think there is any instance running in production yet. You could have a taste of it trying lnp2pBot on Telegram.
I've taken a look at this and it has some very good UX. Was hard to find trades in my currency using Amazon gift cards though, but I'll keep trying it. It's also unfortunate that since it's Telegram you do need to give up a phone number. But I guess that's one of the reasons they're building Mostro.
Yes, It's the same author. The Telegram bot is great, if you don't mind using Telegram, of course. Nostr is much better for privacy, so Mostro's much better.