LN wallets on iPhone have hard time receiving when app is not open (Watchtowers not yet)
Power management on end devices is not related to LN.
Watchtowers address absolutely different problem.
No way to "stabilize" lightning BTC balance to fiat rate (people have to use Tether :/)
Not related to LN. And btw
I'm not sure how do you mean "Not related to LN"?
  • I'm talking specifically about lightning BTC balance, which is very LN related.
  • Also standardsats.github.io says "Lightning-native synthetic assets".
I agree that there are solutions in works (standardsats, Taro, RGB, Synonym, Liquid swaps), but it doesn't look like there's any usable version yet - or is there?
At least because there very few ways to "stabilize" BTC balance onchain and none of them absolutely trustless due to oracle problem.
https://standardsats.github.io/ has "download APK" on its page. This is custodial tech, do not use it for savings. Currently only EUR asset available.
I did not specify that one well. Indeed watchtowers are targeted for a different problem.
The fact that mobile wallet has to actively communicate with another node when receiving transaction is very much related to LN architecture and there could be either solutions on LN/application side or on the iOS power mgmt side...
Also wrong.
There is IMMORTAN library written for SBW wallet around which makes everything possible for LN light client to work efficiently on mobile including augmented graph with Public Hosted Channels and trampoline routing.
The first BLW wallet actually had even Bitcoin SPV.