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No way to "stabilize" lightning BTC balance to fiat rate (people have to use Tether :/)
Not related to LN. And btw
I'm not sure how do you mean "Not related to LN"?
  • I'm talking specifically about lightning BTC balance, which is very LN related.
  • Also standardsats.github.io says "Lightning-native synthetic assets".
I agree that there are solutions in works (standardsats, Taro, RGB, Synonym, Liquid swaps), but it doesn't look like there's any usable version yet - or is there?
At least because there very few ways to "stabilize" BTC balance onchain and none of them absolutely trustless due to oracle problem.
https://standardsats.github.io/ has "download APK" on its page. This is custodial tech, do not use it for savings. Currently only EUR asset available.