As a new member of the Bitcoin community in general (nostr, SN), I'm continuosly learning something new everyday.
I've seen many posts (here and in nostr) people referring to "stay humble", and I'm starting to grasp what it really means.
Sats are a micro unity on top of Bitcoin, but they're actually "real". Certainly more than fiat.
It's this small bit of recognization on very step you do into this world of freedom which gives you the confidence to continue learning about it. It's something strongly attached to the actual meaning of PoW.
The free exchange of information in any form is amazing, it brings this fresh sense of something lost throughout ages of hard power monopoly by the banks and secret endeavours around the world.
Than I noticed, we are entrapped for long years until the adult age, inside this greedy life, always expecting what will be the next bigger sallary, the next great achievement, the next big thing. We want to be more and more recognized, but with time, we tend to overvalue our sense of self. Maybe, we're not all that thing.
And than, when you realize that providing value is all the thing that matters, even in small proportion, you start again. To start from scratch, you must the humble.
Of course, this is only a short and humble, opinion. I'd like to hear what is your vision of "stay humble", how did you get that, how it's influencing and driving your actions today.
I think as I grow older, I have gathered an arsenal of experiences and consolidated my expertise. I know the value I bring to people around me, and am increasingly confident of my decision-making process. Sometimes I get exasperated when people ask me questions. Like, I know what I’m doing, all righty?
Staying humble, to me, means being cognisant of the fact that I still have so many things I don’t know. I may have developed a forte in some areas but am very much a noob in many other areas. So the best thing I can do is to ask people questions and clarify my doubts. It demonstrates an open-minded mind from me. I just asked yesterday what was the turning point for people not to hoard their sats. So at least two people replied that getting paid their salary in BTC jump started their transformation. If I hadn’t asked their question, I wouldn’t have gathered such an important insight.
It means stack as much as you can and don't fool yourself that you're some hotshot trader and gamble it all away.
Try this check if you will become less judgmental of others, and observe if you become humbler with yourself. Track how many times during your day you have to remind yourself of this concept in order to succeed in its implementation. You might get surprised by the results.
I wrote about this earlier this year.
Rewriting "It's this small bit of recognization on very step you do into this world..."
"This small bit of recognization is the first step into this world..."
I was probably thinking two things at the same time and messed up. Sorry.
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