We are now in a bear market until the next halving. Based on history, we might be going down to about 25k and even dip into 20k, which was previous ATH. These periods have always been the best for buyers, but now everyone understands that, which might change things. Personally, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks and then start DCAing weekly. I think there's a chance that we are already close to the bottom of this cycle, so it's quite hard to resist buying. I think there will be a quite long period to buy, so I wouldn't recommend panic buying with house money right now.
Just make sure to sell any altcoins (into btc) you might have, because they are cratering to zero in this bear market.
agreed not a bad idea to DCA here but we're likely heading into 24-26k territory...
Roger roger
so we are going to 20K right? I am still saving dry powder to buy more. It does not look like there is a floor right now.
Stack! 🥞🥞🥞
tripled my DCA this AM...
More than 3k sats per dollar, don't mind if I do, love me a good Bitcoin sale