There's lots of confusing discussions about the distinction between "Power" & "Authority"
Key Differences Between Power and Authority The difference between power and authority can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:
  1. Power is defined as the ability or potential of an individual to influence others and control their actions. Authority is the legal and formal right to give orders and commands, and take decisions.
  2. Power is a personal trait, i.e. an acquired ability, whereas authority is a formal right, that vest in the hands of high officials or management personnel.
  3. The major source of power is knowledge and expertise. On the other hand, position and office determine the authority of a person.
  4. Power flows in any direction, i.e. it can be upward, downward, crosswise or diagonal, lateral. As opposed to authority, that flows only in one direction, i.e. downward (from superior to subordinate).
  5. The power lies in person, in essence, a person acquires it, but authority lies in the designation, i.e. whoever get the designation, get the authority attached to it.
  6. Authority is legitimate whereas the power is not.
Authority is legitimate whereas the power is not.
Ok but how is "legitimate" if I do not consent to it? Who gives that "legitimacy"? Power comes after/with authority (I mean the power to coerce you).
legitimate lə-jĭt′ə-mĭt adjective Being in compliance with the law; lawful. Being in accordance with established or accepted rules and standards. Valid or justifiable.
^^ definitions change... so, take that with a grain of salt.
but i would say Power supercedes Authority, as in the invaders who say "stop lecturing me about your laws, we have the weapons"
OK, I will not comply with that "law" because I do not consent it. The law is legitimate only for those who consent it.
i'm not taking issue with the gist of what you've put forward.
neither am i suggesting that any particular law is just.
you asked a question regarding a topic that's discussed pretty extensively in political science/ political philosophy, i'm only bringing what limited expertise i have in that realm to bear on the conversation.
put another way, power is the ability to force/coerce. authority is the socially recognized ability to dictate.
when it comes down to it, they can't have my keys... nor do i think they have the computational abilities to find them. therefore, they don't have the power to take my bitcoin. they do however have the authority and (more fundamentally) the power to violate my liberties if i refuse to "comply" with their bullshit. that makes me want to get into the countryside asap.