All those nukes and shit are funded by our own idiocy... using fiat. So let's stop using fiat at all. This is all I promote it all day here and there.
Without out "contribution" they are powerless. Nothing. Stop being a shitizen slave. I did that years ago.
When I say "sovereign individual" I MEAN IT. not just empty words. Are many using this word "sovereign" but they do not implement it or know exactly the real meaning of it. Read here:
Yes Darth, but how do you convince everyone to do that at the same time? You can't have the US nuke-less and using bitcoin while a geopolitical competitor has nukes and fiat that they can debase. We'd be destroyed long before they experienced hyperinflation, and they'd take everything we had.
Nope. They are just playing us... with inducing fear into our mind. Stop living in fear.