It's so interesting that things and knowledge used to be spread by conquests, quite cool in a sense; you could get a rough understanding of what happened somewhere simply by looking at the architect of old buildings, the mix of food, how foreign words got to blend in with the local languages, even the way of living, etc.
The same logic works for now, you look around and can understand how many places are conquered by the fiat standard 😳
Also look at the evolution of bitcoin memes
which one?
not one in particular, but I remember the ones in 2013-2014 were quite simple and the message wasn't so sharp like today. Nowadays the memes are quite complex with deep messages.
For example such a meme would not have such powerful meaning in 2013, like today.
or this one
Bitcoin slowly "conquering" more plebs' hearts.!
The world is where it is and societies are the product of everything that’s been before - good or ill - somethings are taken and others are imposed.
People too - I use foreign words and phrases in my day-to-day. ‘Ulu’ is a good one - means upriver or the unknown in Indo-Malay.
Yes, ofc people too. I enjoy people-watching, and I found the beauty of genetic mix is eye-pleasing, especially in Turkey, so diverse. Then I slowly tracked down to why.? oh, because the Turks originally came from Asia and had built many empires across different lands and cultures, etc.
Then, I also wondered about many other things that I saw; I found it quite fascinating, like getting different hints from the past.!!

‘Ulu’ means big in turkish:) 🤓
Love it. Also means knife in Eskimo apparently