Did anyone ever hear about the Kabyle? I was talking with an Algerian girl last night; she mentioned these people still maintain their original way of living: natural, organic, and low-tech.!
I am doing my homework atm, I think old places still have many "secrets" because they are still well connected to the past, yet the more we live in modern societies, the more we are being kept away from the past. Everything is artificial, robotic and distant these days, yet they called it advancement, madness.
wait... You are trying to tell me that milk is not coming straight from the supermarket? You are trying to tell me that shitGPT is not wisdom?
You are such conspiratorial today Natalia.
She also mentioned about the soul and the invisible, even some of the things I think are only movie scenes, yet she has friends who have been through.
I also asked her why sometimes, when I am upset or unhappy with some accumulated negative thoughts in my mind, then the related person would approach me later that day - did this happen to you too?
And conspiracy theory of today - no, I don't believe we are descended from monkeys.