Thursday night football. Let’s go!
I know this is off topic, but I'm curious if you know anything about Orphans Of Uganda charity? I'm thinking of doing a Satsraiser and I would like your opinion
I have no insight just my small donation I made on geyser
Thanks. Do you know if Geyser has any vetting process? I'm impressed with this orphanage but I want to do my homework before asking everyone to donate to a Satsraiser.
I can’t say I know anything Was going to ask if you could recommend a charity for some spare sats.
I like the idea of finding a small charity where we can really make an impact. I also want to be careful and do some research first. I am corresponding with the man who founded Orphans of Uganda. I will keep you posted.
Of course - and you thought all that due diligence work was behind you…
And no pressure but it does seem you have been nominated as the default ‘sat-raiser wrangler’ round these parts. I think the default hating will have to be Bitcoin For Change in the meantime.
I like that. Reminds me if those Playing For Change videos.