Bitrefill Thor seems to have been out of stock for a while but thanks for the additions 👏 Hopefully in a years time we'll have a top 100 edition....
Man, I didn't imagine the list could get any bigger.
Technically you can also send sats to Phoenix,Blixt, or any self-custodial mobile wallets to free up capital on your public node
But you already know :)
I'm primarily using Amboss, LN+ and Lightning Loop. No complaints over here
Definitely try out Amboss Hydro...just create whatever rules you want and automate maintaining liquidity.
The only two of these that I've used for liquidity are LNBig and Loop. I only used LNBig back when I setup SN's node. I still use Loop occasionally for SN's and my personal node.
Is it just me or does it seem like a pointless effort / scam to pay someone to open a channel to your node and then have them set their outbound fees to you for something like 500ppm+. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the inbound liquidity? Is anyone advertising selling inbound connections with zero-base and zero-fee rate?
Since you have no guarantee that traffic will flow through that inbound channel to you at whatever arbitrary rate they set, you might just be paying for someone to create a dead connection to you (or an expensive place for you to pay for circular rebalancing).
Buyer beware.
some of them advertise promised 0 fee rates like AfricaFreeRouting
certainly worth doing research...
Bookmarked, thx