I prefer bank check analogy. 1 UTXO of 0.5 BTC = 1 bank check of 0.5 BTC If you have to pay 0.1 BTC, you give your bank check of 0.5 to the merchant and he gives you back a bank check of 0.4 BTC
That's a decent model, except that it implies that the merchant has the entire balance before returning the change
What is 0.5 BTC, in this example? What is it made of, on the blockchain.
It isn't made of anything. It is merely a number that says 50,000,000 sats with a public and private key associated with it. The blockchain is just the record-keeping and security base layer needed to ensure that those little entries that say 0.5 BTC, 2 BTC, etc. all possess the properties necessary for them to function as money.