Perhaps lists is the answer. (How did you make that text red?) In my mind I'm thinking a bit of a mid-level structure note that people could compose like legos.
Some people who are really expert Twitter threaders wind up doing this, which is impressive given that Twitter is pretty much the shittiest possible interface for such a thing. But life finds a way.
How did you make that text red?
Surround the text in backticks.
In my mind I'm thinking a bit of a mid-level structure note that people could compose like legos.
I'm still a total noob with this information mapping stuff, but composable/recursive is usually the thing that lets life find a way.
I believe when you first joined you mentioned your interest in information mapping (or maybe I'm misremembering). Is there any single greatest book on the subject?
You remember correctly. I can only think of one book on the subject that I like, which is this one, but it is good. The best content tends to be not-books, which I guess isn't surprising. The site I linked to above is a treasure for that stuff. Maggie Appleton writes some very approachable things -- here's an example.
Another way to get an intuition is to Fuck Around And Find Out. The two best tools for this are probably Obsidian and Logseq. I've used both, but I mostly use this stupid thing I made myself that has accrued like geological time, hacked together out of emacs org mode and elisp. Org-roam is a more sensible variant of that approach that I keep intending to try, except my investment in my own arcane tool is so high.