@k00b strange thing happen. If I login to SN with lnurl using my own node, I get different account. If I login by copying the lnurl into Thunderhub, I get the usual account. If I login by copying the lnurl into Zeus (same node), I get another account (new one). I tried scanning with Zeus the QR code and also after hardly trying to scan it, it authorize it but is a new account.
They might all be deriving the auth keypair differently.
Zeus gives you different accounts depending on whether it was a scan or a copy and paste?
Zeus gives me same new account. Thunderhub gives me always same account (this one). Is the same node that signs.
It's not your node, but the software (ThunderHub, Zeus, etc) that derives the keypair from your node key. Zeus and ThunderHub probably implement lnurl-auth differently. They shouldn't but it sounds like they do.
Indeed, Evan confirm it. TH is using other signing endpoint.
This is happening a lot. Apparently Alby and lndhub have similar issues.
Do you think I should raise the question to Zeus guys or is normal behavior this?
I would raise to Zeus. It's not normal behavior