Once upon a time lost money on shitcoins but never BTC. The end
Sobbing shitcoiner begging for your money, but; ‘Gimme back my Lambo!’
You have the reason, You have opportunity, Bitcoin is your chance
A vine chokes commerce.. the parasite kills its host.. BTC blooms unhindered
Let all your sats flow, like water to the river, to the BT-sea
Cards are dealt and held, The winner will take it all! Didn’t deal? It’s not you.
People so shouty I see anger management is all the rage.. lol
end (Many thanks for the encouragement from @siggy47 and the other reprobates usually found in the daily Stacker Saloon. Any zaps forwarded to the SN satraiser recipient @anita founder of Bitcoin for Fairness)
Trying to decide in my favorite. Sobbing shitcoiner has that alliteration, but BT- sea is hard to beat.
Hmm. Your thoughts appreciated as always; Sobbing shitcoiner ‘may’ have been influenced by media reports last week. BT-sea has a more timeless quality I think.