@k00b I've been wondering why the daily discussion thread isn't just permanently pinned to the top of the front page or in its own section. Is it that the thread has a constant rank?
The thread has a constant "rank." Open to feedback but it doesn't look right at the top and it's nice to have a top story.
It does kind of blend in with the other posts sometimes. Especially if I've made any new posts. They both don't have the option to upvote from my perspective. Its not that big of a deal, but it is noticeable.
I was thinking that it could stand out more by being a different color from the other posts. Another way could be that there's a little section at the top for pinned posts, divided from normal posts by a horizontal separator and some spacing to keep it minimal.
Other users have made this point, but I haven't found a good solution yet.
Fixing this might reduce the amount of random 'oh I'm new here' posts.
One option could be to have "daily" as a top level item on top next to "recent", "top"... it could still show up in the home list when the post is created and maybe even receive sats. That said the current solution feels ok, it's a bit quirky, but it feels like a fun way to do it...
it’s perfect where it’s at👌