Do you firmly believe that owning a portion of KYC'd BTC can be beneficial in some situations? For example, wanting to purchased property with proof of funds as a requirement. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this topic.
No. And related to proof of funds... I hope we push for something like this . We need less bureaucracy, no more... I don't want to live in Trantor.
No. Places like hoseki exist, and most places just want to see some official looking piece of paper or funds sitting in the back account for 3 or so months.
Places barely know how to deal with Bitcoin let alone know about the fungibility properties of it.
I personally don't give a shit from where I acquired my BTC. I personally don't give a shit about any gov of taxman that knows how much BTC I bought from x exchange. Why? Because I never go back to fiat and I would simply ask the taxman "who the fuck are you to ask me about my own money".
But you have to realize that there's no such thing as "KYC bitcoin", or tainted. It is tainted identity, it is your identity that is KYC, your personal data that is shared, sold, used WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. That is the real danger of KYC.
Buying things with BTC is not illegal or immoral or something bad. So stop blame yourself for that or feel guilty with something. Just try to avoid KYC to protect your personal data. That's all.
Also read my guides. I wrote several about how to use LN as a "cleaning machine". And use the 3 levels of stash: hodl, cache, spend.