What does “emancipation” mean?
Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition defines “emancipation” as: The act by which one who was unfree, or under the power and control of another, is rendered free, or set at liberty and made his own master. Town of Plainville v. Town of Milford, 119 Conn. 380, 177 A. 138, 140. Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition.
Right now, we are under power and control of corporations fronting as lawful “government” which are merely franchises and subdivisions of the UN CORP one world government fomented by the global parasites operating from behind the corporate veil and using us as modern day slaves;
The process has also been described as “redemption” and “expatriation”;
The process has also been described as “redemption” and “expatriation”;
first and foremost it is to “emancipate yourself from mental slavery” as Bob Marley sang in Redemption Song; in 528Hz
How are you a slave? Practically, what are you forced to do by the monopoly / government? Not much more than paying them right. Which is sucky, but are things really as bad as you describe?
We are not forced, we are under a black magic spelling deception
I can only show you the door.. http://annavonreitz.com/
are things really as bad as you describe?
Really bad. And people MUST learn to be free again. Start here, to understand more: https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/
Ave Darth, I was bored at work ;)
Man, I see what are you trying on SN. It's a very hard task I notice that many stackers are not yet prepared for the hard truth... but is good that you try to educate them.
Rome wasn't built in a day, they say, hehe It helps me too, same with Bitcoin, the best way to comprehend a subject is to teach it. I have the urge of sharing what I learn. It's a deep rabbit hole, and I love rabbit holes. Cal said we are winning the "chess match", so gotta stop playing checkers and play the moves till checkmate :)