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It's the only correct take.
It's also why Lightning is under attack.
With it's speed, scalability, and unrivaled privacy... it poses a threat to everything.
Attacks like BOLT12, Soft-forks, and ECash may try to corrupt it- but their lies can't survive the scrutiny of truth for long.
Like with all prior attacks against Bitcoin, these attacks on Lightning will only make it stronger. Lightning as the web language for money is inevitable.
Is bolt12 an attack? What is the argument against it?
It's considered an attack on LN. Some consider it against the idea of Bitcoin/LN. Sorry I don't have the references handy.
Lightning alone won't scale bitcoin
That's what the shitcoiners and spooks want you to think.
I think its just math
Are you talking about custodial LN? Yes, this is possible
Current state of channel factories could do a billion onboards a year. The math checks out.
The overall # of UTXO's is another matter, but that's a theoretical problem not an actual one.
Still a theory isn't it? Is there a channel factory operational today?
deleted by author
That's point! I'm LN maxi too.
These points should resonate anyone into becoming a Bitcoin Maximalist
I wouldn't keep all my bitcoin in lightning though
New religion...?! There are too many already! 😁🙈
100% 🤙
Do you consider BP/LNP and Ark as a waste of time?
No, I'm eager to see the outcome! And I salute the people working on it.
We will likely have to have multiple L2 solutions, but it's likely that Lightning is already too far ahead with adoption, infra and its "brand". To replace it we will need something substantially better, and not just a bit better.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.