I have two complaints with the video: (1) if governments were using bitcoin war wouldn’t cost “30 million bitcoin” the market cap of bitcoin would be huge and war might cost 10,000 bitcoin, (2) even if everyone used bitcoin it doesn’t mean war would cease - if another Hitler showed up it’s possible some countries would go to war.
Another issue is that I’m not convinced EVERYONE would use Bitcoin. Hitler 2.0 could create his own coin/fiat and inflate it to go to war against others.
I do think wars would decrease dramatically without lots of money printers but Bitcoin isn’t going to stop war completely - that seems like fairy tail thinking.
  1. governments will never use bitcoin
  2. Bitcoin will make obsolete governments
  3. end of story
I’m not convinced EVERYONE would use Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for brave. Which one are you?
  1. Doesn't El Salvador use bitcoin?
  2. Let's say large governments become obsolete, there will still be small citadels that have rules and by definition, a community that has a few leaders/spokespersons of any kind is considered a government. Look at HOAs as an example of people willingly letting themselves be ruled by extra rules.
Also, if a place like China decides to isolate their citizens, never use bitcoin, and suppress their people then how would bitcoin help them? In fact, if all other groups of people are on the bitcoin standard and they can't raise money to fight a war then China will just keep on going without a deterrent (short of trade blockades).
  1. I wish that bitcoin (once fully embraced) eradicated war and evil governments. I just highly doubt it as there have been evil leaders without money printers and conflicts fought over the centuries that had nothing to do with money (just look at the Old Testament and Quran for examples).
I love bitcoin and think it'll solve a LOT of problems. I just think it's a little naive to think that wars would stop. But, perhaps I'm missing something.
  1. No. People use Bitcoin, not countries.
  2. You are free to stay in your place with your gov. But nobody will stop me to use Bitcoin as I want.