A web app that plays audio from youtube links added by users (max length 10 minutes). You'll be able to paste a youtube link, make a lightning payment of amount specified by you and your link will get added to the queue (position based on the amount paid).
It's quite a simple idea, but I wanted to build something on top of lightning and also learn svelte along the way. I'll make the code open source when finished.
Expect a beta in 2 weeks! (optimistic estimate)
Thank you to benalleng who reminded us of bolt.fun!
I'll see if the rest of the team wants to make an account here or not.
Not only for Radiostations, but also for live events, venues, bars and pubs, businesess, you name it!
You can find the unique basic web-interface for the Lightning Jukebox Bot of Noderunners Radio here. Additionally, you can listen to the Radio via our Telegram group here.
When you do, you will get your own unique web-interface!
Ask for help in our TG chat if you need it, or just come hangout and play us your favorite pieces of music!
This process is slowly underway, see: #npub1wqtq2k9cawq2hkwz474xdm6ef0drmdhn4fk59hpyuex5l0ewa9rsj9a4cz
To easily allow for pluggin in/out more media-players & -labraries and to further bot integration over more platforms
So musicians get their fair share of sats paid to the Jukebox