i need to go vote...
LOL statism is really deep into your mind. Why do you need to vote? Is totally useless, will not change ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Stop thinking like a slave, think like a sovereign living man. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/natural-law-and-bitcoin
If you're a citizen of a state and you don't vote, you've solved the problem by not caring. It's not about statism man.
But do not fix to voting. Vote or not, i pay taxes everyday i turn on computer to work and using electricity, i pay taxes with every piece of food i buy.
citizen (aka shitizen) = slave If you consider yourself a shitizen, then sorry but you
so go on, keep voting.
I can't read anything in your articles about children. And if you buy food you pay taxes. I don't believe you grow your food, have animal farm, water takes from nature, you dont have car or using bus or train - because if you are not, you are paying taxes someway in your country ;)