I look around the world and see countries that dont even know how to build side walks. Why on earth should they be entrusted to manage their own money.
Honestly I dont think theres one country capable of managing their own money, not even America.
Bitcoin is literally the solution for 8 billion people to opt out of their mismanaged, corrupt, society destroying national currency, they just dont know it yet.
having your own fiat was a scaling solution for gold in the beginning, so you hard a hard money and you backed it with your paper redemptions, the scaling solution just got so out of hand and they kept breaking the consensus to increase the money supply because that's easier than producing value to recycle the current capital
Countries don't trust each other, and even within countries, we've seen over the years how they fragment so they can have their own currency, soviet union is an example.
British empire is another example, South Africa used to be on the GBP, might have been better for us, having no control over our fiat locally since we blew it to shit faster than GBP but hey we wanted control within our boarders to steal from our citizens
Bitcoin allows none of us to trust each other, thats the game changer
Bitcoin allows none of us to trust each other, thats the game changer
THIS is a key point
This makes no sense. For any other good you could imagine that a particular product lay be preferred in some region on the world for cultural, geographically,historical reasons
But in the case of money, nobody benefit from the monopolies and frictions brought by all these different shitcoins. The only explanation is that some people benefit from a money under their own control obviously A universal money under nobody's control is useless for tyrans Fiat money only exist for mafias and tyrans to stay in power
Bitcoin fixes this
There are probably countless things humans have created -- useful or not at the time -- that we also refuse to let go of due to ego, even if it hurts us
Jobs are about to be a BIG one with AI coming into the picture
  1. countries don't build side walks. People do
  2. countries don't have "own money", banks do and are called currencies. Don't confuse currency with money.
  3. Nobody is forcing you to use banksters money, only the belief in a state makes you think that. Statism is the most dangerous superstition.
  4. You are free to use whatever meaning of exchange, if you are capable to convince the other party of the trade to accept your "thing" as money.
  5. Bitcoin is not fixing the world, people fix it by using Bitcoin.
"not even America" lol
The American exceptionalism is really ingrained in you gringos minds.
The romans were no better than the people they conquered, they just knew better how to organize and scale violence.
So that they can manipulate their citizens. Since we all know Fiat currency is all about monopoly. Bitcoin is an eye opener and freedom.
Some countries should have it's own money pegged to Gold/Assets instead of being a money printer
Bitcoin wouldn’t have existed if they kept on printing money.
They never stopped printing money and alas bitcoin exists. . . ?
Yeah, that would be better than today but we'd end up back where we are. It won't happen. In the US one man focused on auditing the fed his whole career and failed. It is hopeless without Bitcoin.