What helped me was realized just how common massive lies actually are. Some are blatant. Others are deceptions by leaving out key info. I began to realizing this by reading more broadly. Reading those books you are told you shouldn't read. But actually more importantly just reading books few read. Also, listening to the No Agenda podcast helped me develop a more keen eye for bs. These days it is so blatant that if you simply pay attention to what the elite say from month to month they will show you they are full of bs. They change what they say just as they did in 1984 and act like they never changed.
Some of the skepticism is deep in my personality. I am very curious and want to know how things work. I've lived long enough to know that many are not wired this way. Many are wired in a way that makes it very difficult to question what they are being told. Those evil elites know this and use it to their advantage. IMO you just need to accept this. Its not new. Always been. Many will do almost anything to keep their world view intact. They can't handle thinking that most of what they have been taught are lies. Even if you show them. They don't want to see it.
I used to assume that those in the highest positions had honorable intentions. They couldn't have gotten to the top being bad, right?
That's the easiest idea to cope with.
As I grew, reality simply just set in -- I couldn't unsee the constant, deliberate, intentional, blatant, OBVIOUS gaslighting taking place every. single. day.
Exactly. We are conditioned to think this. Its how society works. When you begin to understand incentives and just how crazy it is for anyone to have the kind of power these people have you realize they have to be sociopaths to even want these positions of power. When you see how they could just tell people the truth about why they go to war but choose to lie and deceive the public you begin to realize how big of a farce it all is.