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I think you have literally only one thought in your head and it's "be contrarian".
Whatever topic it is - your opinion is always the one that's the most edgy - no matter if it makes sense or even is consistent.
A war cannot be a psyop. It can't by definition because when people are dying, they are dying. It's a fact. Your 50iq brain just saw people arguing on both sides and decided to go for "psyop" because neither of both sides was contrarian and defiant enough. If peoples opinions were split 95%/5% you would have gone for the 5% side - the actual topic is irrelevant.
You are a well known gov agent. All your comments here are pro-gov. What should I expect from you?
I am contrarian because I am right. N o matter how much you are trying to do deny it. I will come up with more force against your TOTAL BULLSHIT,. Why? Because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. Just because you always post against me, you are proving that you are a gov agent. But I have news for you! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY GOV AGENT! So suck my balls.
So fuck off gov kiss asser.
You are a well known gov agent. All your comments here are pro-gov.
Very wrong. I'm all for defunding the government and more free markets.
Maybe you recognize my account from when I criticize you but I actually upvoted/zapped many of your comments when I agree.
I am contrarian because I am right. N o matter how much you are trying to do deny it.
Your contrarian takes can be right. They might also sometimes be opinions I agree with (opinions we both agree with != objective facts). And they are often imo just lunacy for the sake of being contrarian. Like here imo.
I'm on your side my guy. Our cause would be much more successful without the emotional irrationality.
Because I AM ALWAYS RIGHT. Just because you always post against me, you are proving that you are a gov agent. But I have news for you! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY GOV AGENT! So suck my balls. So fuck off gov kiss asser.
You're proving my point. Utter incoherent lunacy.
I really don't give a shit about gov agents "opinions"... SO FUCK OFF.
It's a gov psyop, undoubtedly . Thank you Darthcoin.