Added this FAQ to the github page!


How do I couple the bot to my own Spotify Premium account?

  • For now, you are sadly still required to use Telegram to connect the bot to your own Premium Spotify account. Please keep in mind, that if you later want to stream the audio to a Telegram group, you must be OWNER of that group! (There is a difference between being owner and admin. Only owners can retrieve RTMP + streaming Key from a TG group) If you are certain you don't want to stream the music into that TG group at a later date, you can just be admin. The bot will act within that group, only as a remote to your Spotify.
  1. Invite the Jukebox Bot to an existing or new Telegram Group
  2. Make the bot admin
  3. Send the bot a Private Message with this command: /couple
  4. The bot will now give you a short list of what to do next
  5. In your Spotify Developer account, click on the 'Create an app' button and give the bot a random name and description. Then click 'Create"
  6. Click 'Edit Settings' and add EXACTLY this url under 'Redirect URIs'. Do not forget to click 'Add' and 'Save'
  7. Copy the Client ID and give the bot this command in a Private Message and paste the client ID after it: /setclientid PasteClientID
  8. Copy the Client Secret and give the bot this command in a Private Message and paste the secret after it: /setclientsecret PasteClientID
  9. Now, make sure your spotify is playing music. (We recommend setting a playlist to reteat continuously)
  10. Next, return to the group you made the bot admin of and type this command: /couple
  11. The bot should give you a message with a button to click to finalize coupling your account. Click it!
  12. The browser should open up, and you will see this message if all went well: Authorisation Succesfull! You can close this window now.
  • To test if all works well (again, make sure spotify is playing music), try using some of the commands you can use in Telegram If you have trouble setting up, contact @NoderunnersFM or @artdesigbysf on Telegram
  • You can now plug in your pc/phone or whatever device is playing your spotify to a soundsystem and use the /web interface to /add music to the /queue! Just give the /web command to print out QR codes with you unique web-interface link on it.
  • Additionally, you may set a /price. Standard is: /price 21 7 (Meaning 14 will go to your personal Jukeobox /stack and 7 will go to furhter development. You may choose to set /price to whatever you like. Examples: /price 0 0 (no amounts set, adding is free) /price 2100 210 (Price per track added is 2100 of which 210 go to bot dev fund and the rest to you)
  • More functionality is in the works!

How do I stream the music to some other location?

  1. Make sure spotify is playing music
  2. Make sure to mute your desktop audio, unless you want every sound your device makes to be streamed!
  3. Make sure to set audio to 320KB for optimal quality
  4. Set video bitrate to whatever works best for you
  5. Add sources (select spotify exe), you may choose to add a microphone or imagery for your video feed
  6. Important: set all audio outputs under 'Audio Mixer' to -3 dB
  7. If you are owner of a TG group, you can find the RTMP settings behind the symbol on the dopright (TG-desktop op ONLY!) that looks like a speech-balloon with three vertical lines in it.
  8. Enter the RTMP werver of your TG group into OBS settings
  9. Do the same for the key
  10. Click, start streaming to begin streaming into TG
  11. If you want to ouput to multiple locations, use this plugin
  12. Good luck and have fun!
this is cool. bookmarked