A few stackers lately have been saying that they are a bit unwell, I guess mostly due to the weather change, so let's try to share some natural healing tips to help each other to be stronger, but it has to be from your first-hand experience - something you have verified.
Here are some of the things I have tried, and they work for me:
For simple cold Hot tea mixed with honey.
For sore throat Try mixing ginger, lemon with hot water and honey.
Also, whenever you are feeling unwell, eat less and sleep more, your body will do the work for you. And don't forget this: your body is way more powerful than you think - your body has been "learning" from all the past generations, and the force is within you.
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop.
Other tips
  • avoid negativity: news, social media and toxic people
  • avoid dramas
  • avoid junk food
  • spend more time in nature
  • fill life with beauty, positivity and fun

And photo of today: can you guess what fun I'm trying to capture here?
these little birds live inside the holes like a perfect fit, and their color so well blend in, magic!
Yo this my chill spot, some privacy please!!
wisdom from the birds:
learning how to blend in with your environment, not causing too much attention from the unwanted? haha
Spicy food with lots of garlic and onions will bring down any inflammation you might be dealing with.
Get some midday sunlight outside. Most of us live in the northern hemisphere and as the Sun gets lower our bodies struggle to synthesize vitamin D.
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hardcore! I don't like onion or garlic, but they always find a way into my plate 🥸
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slowly cutting out with fiat dramas and people