I'd guess for a channel to deliver live, 24 hour news they'd need a lot of staff and resources, and therefore big budget - difficult to be independent when you've got big backers.
If you're running on a skeleton crew a channel might just cut corners and repeat news everyone else is pushing and therefore stop being journalists any more.
The only independent set up that is of any quality is based in NYC. I used to listen to them all the time at work - I just read their headlines and interviews now for speed.
The show started small, first just audio, but now have a swish new studio and put out a one hour live show each weekday. They were a few blocks away from the twin towers on 9-11 and still kept broadcasting if I remember rightly. A few of the guys from The Intercept first cut their teeth there.
Maybe check them out:
Oh yeah. I assume you probably listened to WBAI radio? I am very familiar with them. Their news has a strong socialist slant, but I find myself listening or watching their YouTube channel as a distinct perspective. I must say they have been particularly good regarding recent middle east stuff.
Yeah, they're really good at reporting news from the middle east. They seem to get lots of academics on and get them to lay out what they know. I remember they had their own boots on the ground reporter during the Egyptian uprising.
Sadly, they don't seem to accept Bitcoin yet. They accept lots of other ways to support them including unwanted tech that they need in the studio.
They're broadcast on multiple radio channels nationwide - not just in NYC.
(You're right about YouTube too though! I used to download their show via torrents.)